《Message of HOPE》〜世界中のルーム・トゥ・リード・ファミリーより〜


世界中のルーム・トゥ・リード・ファミリーより、Message of HOPEの動画をお届けいたします!

Room to Read


世界中で猛威をふるっている新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に、私たちも心を痛めています。 ルーム・トゥ・リードは世界中の職員やパートナーの安全を確保する対策を講じると同時に、ルーム・トゥ・リードの児童書や教材をデジタルで共有するプラットフォーム リテラシークラウド(https://literacycloud.org/)を提供するなど、子ども達のサポートを継続しています。私たちは、ルーム・トゥ・リードを支えてくださっている皆さまからのあたたかいメッセージや連帯感、前向きな姿勢にとても感銘を受けています。
ルーム・トゥ・リード ファミリーとして、私たちの温かい願いを皆さんと共有させていただくたく、動画メッセージをお届けさせていただきます。


Stay home. Stay safe.

ルーム・トゥ・リード・ジャパン リージョナルボード
ゴールデン エリック・綾子、正直知哉・ゆり、ファーガソン ベン・あさみ、セルツァー テオ・スーザン、トウファイ フレッド・りさ

Dear Friends,

We would like to thank you for your understanding and support of Room to Read Japan’s activities.

The COVID 19 crisis occurring throughout the world and in Japan is heartbreaking and we hope that you are safe and surviving well. Room to Read and the Japan operations have been taking steps to keep its employees and partners safe while at the same time providing support to students at Room to Read facilities and elsewhere including sharing digital platform, Literacy Cloud, for books and other learning resources more broadly. We have been so inspired of the resilience, solidarity and positive attitude we see every day from Room to Read’s partners.

The Room to Read family would like to share our warmest wishes with you and hope that you know we’re all standing together.

Room to Read

We hope this video lightens up your day and will keep your spirits up as we overcome the challenging situation globally. Our team is thinking of you and I look forward to a time when we can celebrate our 20th Anniversary together.

In addition, Libraries and bookstores may be closed, but that doesn’t mean Storytime your children has to stop. We have released a library of celebrity read-aloud videos alongside LiteracyCloud, available for the first time publicly. The released materials will help children continue to develop the skill and habit of reading, despite COVID-19 related school closures. Started on April 7th, new read-alouds is released each week of April on our YouTube channel.

Stay home. Stay safe.

Warmest regards,

Eric & Ayako Golden, Tomoya & Yuri Masanao, Ben & Asami Ferguson, Theo & Susan Seltzer and Fred & Risa Towfigh – Room to Read Japan Board

Kaho Matsumaru & Reiko Imao – Room to Read Japan team