
活動について説明するルーム・トゥ・リード・ジャパン職員 徳松愛






(東京原宿ロータリークラブ 2024-25会長 高梨一郎様)


“She Creates Change” Screening Event, hosted by Bloomberg on International Women’s Day, Accelerating CSR Initiatives

Tokyo, Japan – March 7th, 12:00-13:00 – In commemoration of International Women’s Day, Bloomberg (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo) hosted a seminar and screening event titled “She Creates Change” in a Lunch & Learn format.

The event aimed to celebrate the achievements of women globally and highlight the importance of empowering young girls for a better future.

Photo: Kaho Matsumaru, Room to Read’s Associate Development Director, highlights initiatives and discusses the importance of supporting children’s education

The screening event, co-hosted by Bloomberg, was held for employees, attracting approximately 60 participants of various races and generations. Initially, Kaori Matsumaru, Director of Room to Read Japan, introduced the literacy and gender equality education initiatives carried out by Room to Read over the past 20 years.

Following that, the event featured a screening of two recently completed films with Japanese subtitles titled “She Creates Change.” All participants earnestly watched as the films depicted how girls, supported by Room to Read, utilize life skills they have developed to overcome challenges and thrive as change-makers.

After the screening event, we received lively feedback and questions, and discussions were held on what can be done for gender equality.

Bloomberg engages in activities rooted in Room to Read’s belief that “World Change Starts with Educated Children” through donations and employee volunteer participation across regions worldwide. We express our deep gratitude for this opportunity and look forward to building deeper relationships in Japan in the future.

Reference: Flow of the Lunch & Learn event
12:00-12:05: Welcome remarks from the CSR representative
12:05-12:20: Introduction to Room to Read’s activities
12:20-12:40: Screening of two films “She Creates Change” (1 film/10 minutes each)
12:40-12:50: Sharing / Q&A session
12:50-12:55: Discussion on support and volunteer opportunities
13:00: Conclusion

■Screening ‘She Creates Change‘ at Your Company or School!

We’re thrilled to announce the completion of the Japanese-subtitled version of ‘She Creates Change.’ This inspiring film captures the real-life stories of six girls who have experienced Room to Read’s girls’ education program and are now dedicated to pursuing gender equality.With the English trailer amassing an impressive 20 million views worldwide, we invite you to watch the Japanese version here:

Through events and internal screenings, we’ve already touched the hearts of over 500 individuals with the stories of these change-makers. This film is not only a perfect fit for promoting internal CSR initiatives but also for supporting international children’s aid efforts and fostering a deeper understanding of gender equality.

To organize a screening event or for further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at japan@roomtoread.org.

Event held and sponsored by Deloitte on Oct. 2023

ブルームバーグ様 国際女性デーに「少女達が世界を変えていく」上映会を開催!CSR活動を加速

(Click here for the English version)
3月7日(木)12:00~13:00 「国際女性デー」を記念し、ブルームバーグ様(東京・千代田区)にて、ランチ&ラーン*の形で講演会および「少女達が未来を変えていく」の上映会を開催しました。
*Lunch & Learn: 出席者はお昼時間に、昼食を取りながら参加します。

写真:ルーム・トゥ・リード・ジャパン事務局長 松丸佳穂。自身の活動にかける思いとともに、子ども達を取り巻く教育の現状と支援の必要性を共有





12:00~12:05 社内CSRご担当者様からご挨拶
12:05~12:20 ルーム・トゥ・リードの活動紹介
12:20~12:40 「少女達が未来を変えていく」2本上映(1本/10分)
12:40~12:50 シェアリング / 質疑応答
12:50~12:55 サポートやボランティアの機会について共有
13:00 閉会


ルーム・トゥ・リードの女子教育プログラムを経験し、ジェンダー平等を追求する6名の少女達の実話まとめた映像作品「少女達が未来を変えていく」(She Creates Change)の日本語字幕版が遂に完成しました。


写真:2023年10月に開催した講演・上映イベントの風景(共催:デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社)

東京マラソン2024開催!世界25か国から150名のチャリティランナーが東京を走り抜けました!/ Tokyo Marathon 2024! 150 charity runners from 25 countries run for Room to Read!

写真:走行後のランナーとともに / Welcomed a runner at charity lounge.

NEWS!Room to Read Japan is a charity organization for Tokyo Marathon 2025!  東京マラソン2025チャリティ参加決定!

(English follows after Japanese)



また東京マラソン2024 EXPO(2月29日~3月1日)、そして大会当日にかけ、複数の支援企業の社員皆様のご協力をいただき、総勢27名のボランティアサポーターの方とともにチャリティランナーをお迎えし、声をあげて応援しました。


Room to Read Japan participated as a beneficiary organization in the Tokyo Marathon 2024, which took place on March 3rd (Sunday)! The Tokyo Marathon, captivating runners worldwide as part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, saw approximately 38,000 participants. Among them, 150 individuals from 25 countries resonated with Room to Read’s mission and designated it as their charity of choice, participating as charity runners.

During the Tokyo Marathon 2024 EXPO (February 29th to March 1st) and on the day of the event, we were grateful to receive support from employees of multiple sponsoring companies. Alongside a team of 27 volunteer supporters, we warmly welcomed charity runners and cheered them on with loud voices. Under clear skies, the race commenced at 9:10 a.m. from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, with runners embarking on the 42.195km journey, each step filled with their own aspirations.

In this charity run, participants engaged in various fundraising methods, including direct donations, matching contributions from corporations, and utilizing Room to Read’s crowdfunding system, all directed towards supporting education for children in low-income communities. As a result, we exceeded our initial goal of funding literacy and girls’ education for 5,000 children for one year, collecting donations equivalent to supporting education for over 9,000 children and girls, doubling our initial goal! We extend our heartfelt gratitude for everyone’s support.

東京マラソン2024 チャリティEXPOの様子(2月29日~3月2日)/ Tokyo Marathon 2024 Charity EXPO held from Feb. 29 – Mar. 2
場所:東京ビッグサイト(東京国際展示場)at Tokyo Bigsite

In addition to runners who came to register and pick up their bibs, more than 60,000 people, including general visitors, came to the event! We welcomed them at our charity booth.

3月1日(金)皇居ラン / March 3rd (Fri.) Imperial Palace Run
Under the leadership of our alliance partner companies’ marathon team, we embarked on a run around the Imperial Palace! The runners were thrilled by the beauty of the palace at night!

3月3日(日)沿道応援の様子 / March 5th (Sun.) Cheering on the way 
Volunteer supporters came to cheer the runners on at the Ryogoku – Tamachi (17Km – 37Km) point, which is said to be the most difficult for the runners, and of course the finish areas!


We welcomed all charity runners after the run! ©東京マラソン財団


Thank you very much for your wonderful run!

For inquiries regarding this topic, please email Room to Read Japan (Japan@roomtoread.org)
