22 Charity Runners Run for Room to Read at the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon
The Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon was held on Sunday, October 16! Room to Read Japan is one of the charity organizations that runners choose to donate and run for cause.
The Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2022 Charity is a charity event that “brings together the hearts of individuals and society by providing an opportunity to think about social contribution through running, such as charity, sports promotion, environmental conservation, support for refugees around the world, support for children with incurable diseases, and animal welfare. We hope to connect the hearts of individuals with society.” The event is operated with this wish in mind.
About 15,000 people ran for the event and 22 charity runners run for Room to Read. The runners started at the National Stadium at 8:00 a.m. under clear skies, and they ran 21.975 km, each step with their hearts in mind.
The donations with charity run will support 66 girls who live in low-income communities for one year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.
Seven volunteers from ABeam Consulting, a pro bono supporter of Room to Read, came to run the charity booth. After finishing their run, charity runners stopped by the booth with exhilarating smiles and left warm messages.
On March 5, 2023, the Tokyo Marathon will be held, attracting charity runners from all over the world! We look forward to welcoming all runners with even greater hospitality!
10月11日の「国際ガールズ・デー」に、カンボジアでのルーム・トゥ・リードの女子教育プログラムが2022年度ユネスコ女子教育賞(2022 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education Award)を受賞しました。