On Thursday, December 4, 2024, a Lunch & Learn session was held at the global asset management company PIMCO Japan Limited (Minato-ku, Tokyo).
このイベントは、東京マラソン2025のチャリティランナーとして出場する表寛子さんと、東京レガシーハーフマラソン2022にルーム・トゥ・リードのチャリティランナーとして出場したベン・ファーガソンさん(同社共同代表者 クライアント及びビジネスマネジメント / ルーム・トゥ・リード リージョナルボードメンバー)が企画。支援者への感謝を伝えるとともに、ルーム・トゥ・リードの活動をより深く知ってもらうことを目的として行われました。(*東京マラソンを通じて一定額以上を対象の寄付先団体へ寄付し、チャリティ活動の素晴らしさを発信するランナー)
This event was planned by Hiroko Omote, who will participate as a charity runner in the Tokyo Marathon 2025, and Ben Ferguson, who participated as a Room to Read charity runner in the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2022 (Co-Head of PIMCO Japan Limited and Head of PIMCO Japan Client and Business Management, and Regional Board Member of Room to Read). The event aimed to express gratitude to supporters and deepen understanding of Room to Read’s activities.
(*Charity runners commit to donating a specified amount to their chosen charity through the Tokyo Marathon, promoting the importance of charitable efforts.)
A Report from the Charity Runner
~Increasing Awareness Through Running: Embracing the Charity Run Mission~
Hiroko Omote, a veteran runner with 20 years of experience, has participated in the Tokyo Marathon before, but this was her first time as a charity runner.
“When I learned that Room to Read was one of the Tokyo Marathon charity organizations, I immediately decided to apply!”
This was Hiroko’s first time calling for donations as a “fundraiser,” not only within her company but also among her personal network. Nevertheless, she remained determined.
“I was inspired by the idea of raising awareness for an NPO through running. I decided to take on the challenge!”
Despite her busy schedule, Hiroko quickly began fundraising efforts by sharing materials about Room to Read and soliciting donations within the company. In less than two months, she raised enough funds to provide education for over 300 children in low-income communities!
“Thanks to everyone’s donations and the company’s matching program*, we greatly exceeded the minimum donation requirement for charity runners. Thank you so much!”
*企業マッチング … 従業員の寄付に対し、同額を雇用主側がマッチングして寄付する仕組み。
*Company matching refers to a system where the employer matches the amount donated by employees.
さらにPIMCOの社内CSRプログラムにおいて、表さんのファンドレイズ支援の一環として多くの社員がルーム・トゥ・リードを支援団体に選び、ルーム・トゥ・リードはPIMCO基金の「Employee Choice Awards」(最も多くの社員が選んだ支援先団体賞)を受賞。これにより追加の支援を得ることができ、300人以上の子ども達の教育を支える寄付につながりました。
As part of PIMCO’s CSR initiatives, many employees selected Room to Read as their preferred organization, further strengthening support. As a result, the PIMCO Foundation awarded Room to Read the “Employee Choice Awards” for being the most selected organization by staff, resulting in additional significant contributions that support education for over 300 children.
Introducing Room to Read’s Mission
~1 in 7 People Worldwide Cannot Read, and Two-Thirds of Them Are Women and Girls~
At the Lunch & Learn session, Kaho Matsumaru, Director of Room to Read Japan, presented the realities of low-income communities and provided an overview of literacy and girls’ education programs.
The event also featured the screening of “She Creates Change”, a video highlighting the story of Dumini, a girl from Sri Lanka whose life was transformed through education. What is typically an ordinary lunchtime became a meaningful session of learning and understanding.

活動への想い (正直 知哉氏)
Supporting the Cause: A Message from Tomoya Masanao
The concept of donations aligned with business principles and efficiency leads to sustained support.
最後に、ピムコジャパンリミテッドの共同代表者 兼アジア太平洋共同運用統括責任者であり、ルーム・トゥ・リードのグローバルボードメンバーおよびリージョナルボードチェアも務める正直知哉氏が、個人的にも支援を続ける理由を語りました。
Tomoya Masanao, Co-Head of PIMCO Asia-Pacific Portfolio Management and PIMCO Japan Limited, and a Global Board Member and Regional Board Chair of Room to Read, shared his reasons for supporting the organization.
Tomoya and his wife first encountered Room to Read at a 2017 charity gala. Inspired by the vision of “World Change Start with Educated Children” and the efficient, impactful approach to donations, they became dedicated supporters.
“Room to Read views donations as ‘investments.’ For Room to Read, it refers to investing in children’s education and the future. The returns are measured by the number of children educated and the transformative outcomes achieved. The organization reports these outcomes with exceptional transparency, which resonates deeply with me as a business person.”
Educational support requires long-term commitment.
Tomoya also highlighted that education support, unlike short-term disaster relief, requires sustained funding. Room to Read’s sustainable operational model, involving governments and local organizations in supported regions, ensures the longevity and impact of their initiatives.
Maximizing the Impact of Donations
Lastly, Tomoya focused on two key indicators important for both businesses and donors: operational efficiency and scalability.
「ルーム・トゥ・リードに100円を寄付すると、86円が支援地域の教育に充てられます。日本における運営は、今日ここにいる職員2名で行っています。この、高い効率性の一方で、 2000年の創設以来、ルーム・トゥ・リードは4,500万人の子ども達にリーチし、支援を受けた子どもの数は年率20%のペースで増加しています。この成長率とルーム・トゥ・リードのスケーラビリティへのコミットメントは、影響力を拡大し続ける団体の特長です。」
“Every 1 dollar donated to Room to Read is allocated with 86 cents directly funding educational initiatives in the communities we serve. In Japan, the organization operates efficiently with just two staff members present here today. Alongside this high level of operational efficiency, since its founding in 2000, Room to Read has reached 45 million children worldwide. The number of children supported has grown at an average annual rate of 20%. This remarkable growth, combined with Room to Read’s strong commitment to scalability, is a hallmark of the organization, enabling it to continuously expand its impact.”
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who chose to support Room to Read as an investor, to all the employees cheering us on, and to those embracing the challenge of a full marathon!

For participation in the Tokyo Marathon Charity, volunteer requests, or Lunch & Learn inquiries, please feel free to contact us via email.
e-mail: japan@roomtoread.org
Reference: March 2, 2025 – 164 Charity Runners Will Gather from 21 Countries!